Monday, June 9, 2008

Today, I was a Bluetool

So WWDC happened today, and it was the single-most anticipated event for me this month. I had three liveblogs open, and the Apple Store page ready should the vaunted iPhone 3G be on sale today.

I'm sitting here, practically foaming at the mouth from all the goodies El Jobso was showing, when I am torn away from my desk to compile binders for a confidential meeting SC was holding this afternoon.

For nearly two hours, shuffling around, grabbing pages, binding, trying not to get papercuts, all the while the second coming of the JesusPhone was happening. I had a plan to have my wife run across The Grove to the Apple Store should it come, but disconnected from all sources of information, I was left with one option.

While sorting pages and having a minor freak-out, I used my Jawbone to call my wife and have her check for me. Now, this doesn't seem like that big a deal, except I was completely hands-free, talking to the air, while handling time-sensitive documents that could cost the University millions. All for a freakin piece of plastic.

Still, it's probably the most gorgeous phone I've seen. July 11 can not come quickly enough.

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