Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In A State of Flux

I got knocked out of my groove, man.

Sunday some punk kids broke into my car and stole my XM radio and 5o cds. It's not that awful, since I can track which cds I lost/on my iPod and a new XM is only $40, but still. My chi is all fucked up or something.

I've also finished the first draft of a script I was working on. That weight has been lifted. Now I'm worrying about the next steps I need to take to revise it, make it better, make it sellable. I'm also working with my writing partner on a new scifi project, but we've both had tough weekends and so our progress is somewhat stagnant.

Then there's money issues. Not as bad I'm making them out to be, but it just never seems we get out of the hole that we dig. We like buying things.

I've gotten addicted to Civilization IV. And watching SNL sketches on hulu.com. I'm trying not to get distracted, though. I've done lots of things lately to keep my mind polished.

Diet-wise, I've cut out as many simple sugars as I can, as well as breads & pastas unless they're incidental to the meal. I've also almost wiped out all caffeine intake. The apartment is cleaned, the office has been rearranged slightly. Everything is becoming calmer.

Just not today. Which is why I'm downloading class rock songs and starting another fucking blog.